Cele mai bune clip-uri Minimal - VIDEO
17 februarie 2010
Site-ul R.fm a realizat o selectie a celor mai bune clip-uri minimal, realizate de-a lungul timpului. Lista cuprinde 11 track-uri, minimal in forma pura: Plastikman - Disconnect, Bjorn Svin - Modular Noia, Richie Hawtin - The Tunnel, Air - Electric Performers, Pär Grindvik - Akustik, Michel Cleis - Deconstructed, Magda - The Black Room, Motor - Death Rave, Alexi Delano - Run 0 feat. Tony Rohr, Monolake - Scan si Boeoes Kaelstigen - Commuting Colour.
Plastikman - Disconnect
Bjorn Svin - Modular Noia
Richie Hawtin - The Tunnel
Air - Electric Performers
Pär Grindvik - Akustik
Michel Cleis - Deconstructed
Magda - The Black Room
Motor - Death Rave
Alexi Delano - Run 0 feat. Tony Rohr
Monolake - Scan
Boeoes Kaelstigen - Commuting Colour
via vibefm.ro