Interviu: Booka Shade

What do you enjoy more : the dj set or the live show ?
Being musicians and producers, the live is of course ´our big thing´. We love the big production, and we love to present our own music to the fans. But DJing is just a different artform we respect very much. Until the next live tour starts in spring 2010, DJing is a great way of checking out our new songs which we produce at the moment, and it´s just fun to listen to other people´s music for a while!
I know Booka Shade is familiarized with Romania. I know you played last year in Club La Mania and also this summer at Peninsula Festival. How do you see this audience, the romanians, comparing to other countries?
We always had a GREAT time in Romania. Such an enthusiastic powerful crowd. They are very hungry and up to listening to new sounds.
How important do you see the social media, sites like Myspace and Twitter, regarding the communication between you guys and the fans ?
Honestly, we´re not very up to date with twitter, facebook and these things. But technology is a key to our success. Take songs like BODY LANGUAGE or IN WHITE ROOMS. People sing these bass lines everywhere in the world, be it in the rainforest of Brasil or in Australia. Why ? because of the internet — filesharing and because of YOUTUBE, where the snippets from our concerts can be seen everywhere in the world. It´s a fantastic idea that the same information can be obtained anywhere in the world nowadays.
Any new project coming up ? Can you tell us more ?
I´m very happy to say that we´re about to finish a new album. Release will be in spring 2010, together with a big world tour.
Booka Shade vs Mandy was a big hit at the time and it still is. Did that project exceeded your expectations?
Considering that BODY LANGUAGE was more or less an ´accident´ written in 5 minutes just as an additional track for a compilation with the same name we did on our label get physical — yes !
You are coming to Cluj Napoca for the first time. Do you have any expectation or something special prepared ?
We´ll bring you a DJ set with a lot of cool music to dance to. We´ll mix some unreleased and some classic club tunes — and some special booka shade mixes as well, of course …..
Club Midi made it big here in Romania and also in top 100 DJMAG after only 2 years. I guess you’ve asked some questions about the club to djs who have been here. Can you tell us what’s your opinion just from what you’ve heard ?
We´re very curious to see if what the people all over the world say about you is correct. So: prepare to impress !!