BBE Records prezinta The Boogie Back - Post Disco Club

19 octombrie 2009
BBE Records va lansa compilatia "The Boogie Back - Post Disco Club" Jams, mixata de Dj Spinna, in luna noiembrie.
The Boogie Back vrea sa aduca in actualitate muzica dance de la inceputul anilor 80, perioada de glorie pentru genurile funk si disco. Djul de origine americana, Spinna AKA Vincent Williams, a reusit sa realizeze o colectie de piese din randul clasicelor genului, dar si raritati. Cele doua discuri sunt prezentate in varianta mixata si nemixata. Primul disc include piese semnate Community People, Modern Romance, Jan Leslie Holmes, Ronnie Dyson, iar cel de - al doilea disc prezinta piesele in varianta nemixata.
The Boogie Back - Post Disco Club Tracklisting
Cd 01 - Mixed by DJ Spinna
1. South Bronx - The Bottom Line2. Foxy - Tena's Song
3. T.J Swan - And You Know That (Dub)
4. Chemise - She Can't Love You (Original 12” Mix)
5. Mtume - So You Wanna Be a Star
6. Final Edition - Betcha Can't Love Just One (Can't Keep Running Away)
7. Masurrati and Huey Harris - Super Duper Lovin, Don't Stop
8. Community People - Education Wrap (DJ Spinna Edit)
9. War - The World Is a Ghetto (Special US Disco Mix)
10. Ronnie Dyson - All Over Your Face (Special J&M Mix)
11. Stargaze - You Can't Have It
12. Jan Leslie Holmes - I'm Your Superman (DK Spinna ReFREAK)
13. Slyck - Love It (Or Beat the Bush)
14. Modern Romance - Salsa Rhapsody
15. Melody Stewart - Get Down, Get Down
16. Captain Rapp - Bad Times (I Can't Stand It) (Part 2)
Cd 02 - Unmixed
1. South Bronx - The Bottom Line2. Foxy - Tena's Song
3. T.J Swan - And You Know That (Dub)
4. Chemise - She Can't Love You (Original 12" Mix)
5. Mtume - So You Wanna Be a Star
6. Final Edition - Betcha Can't Love Just One (Can't Keep Running Away)
7. War - The World Is a Ghetto (Special US Disco Mix)
8. Ronnie Dyson - All Over Your Face
9. Stargaze - You Can't Have It
10. Jan Leslie Holmes - I'm Your Superman
11. Modern Romance - Salsa Rhapsody
12. Melody Stewart - Get Down, Get Down
BBE Records va lansa "The Boogie Back - Post Disco Club Jams" pe data de 24 noiembrie 2009.