Luke Slater a facut un mix pentru ClashMusic

23 noiembrie 2009
Una dintre legendele techno ale industriei, Luke Slater, a realizat un mix nou nout pentru ClashMusic.
Mixul de 55 minute contine 22 de piese ale altor artisti.
Timp de 55 de minute puteti asculta piese techno 100%, atat inconjurate de un sound oldschool, cat si de noul val de techno al anului 2009.
Luke Slater a inclus 22 de piese de la artisti precum Cari Lekebush, Mauro Picotto, Jeff Mills, Hanns Zimmerman si multi altii.
Mixul poate fi ascultat mai jos, unde gasiti si tracklistul complet.
1. Samuli Kemppi - Deep Space Helsinki (Komisch)
2. Hanns Zimmerman - X11 (Rsp 069)
3. Marcel Fengler - Twisted Bleach (Ostgut Ton)
4. Variance III - Marcel Dettman Remix (Sandwell District)
5. Horizontal Ground – 12” (Horizontal Ground)
6. Ovr - Interior (Blueprint)
7. Dvs 1 – Running (Klockworks)
8. Terrence Fixmer – Hypnoses, Radio Slave Remix (JUP03)
9. Soul Designer - Soul Is Back [Luke Slater Remix] (Third Ear)
10. Do Not Resist The Beat – (Hard Wax)
11. Bas Mooy - Like a Virgin (Impact Mechanics)
12. Robert Hood - Obey (M Plant)
13. Jeff Mills - Rich (Axis)
14. James Ruskin - The Outsider [Luke Slater Remix] (Blueprint)
15. Planetary Assault Systems - Mark Me (Ostgut Ton)
16. Chris Finke - Shut That Door (Flux)
17. Cari Lekebush - Spindixzzy (Mote Evolver)
18. Jerome Sydenham - My Pet Gorilla (Apotek)
19. Planetary Assault Systems - Hold It (Ostgut Ton)
20. Literon - Mind Phase [Into 09 Remix] (Fortek)
21. Mauro Picotto - Diamond [Mark Broom Remix] (Alchemy)
22. Planetary Assault Systems - Temporary Suspension (Ostgut Ton)
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