Taylor Swift -castigatoarea American Music Awards 2009

23 noiembrie 2009
Daca tot am stat cu sufletul la gura sa vedem cine a plecat cu trofeele acasa, avem si o lista a castigatorilor American Music Awards 2009.
-Artist of the Year: Taylor Swift
Male artist: Michael Jackson
Female artist: Taylor Swift
Band, duo or group: Black Eyed Peas
Album: Michael Jackson, "Number Ones"
Male artist: Michael Jackson
Female artist: Beyonce
Band, duo or group: Black Eyed Peas
Album: Michael Jackson, "Number Ones"
Artist: Jay-Z
Album: Jay-Z, "Blueprint 3″
Male artist: Keith Urban
Female artist: Taylor Swift
Band, duo or group: Rascal Flatts
Album: Taylor Swift, "Fearless"
-Adult Contemporary: Taylor Swift
-Alternative Rock: Green Day
-Latin: Aventura
-Contemporary Inspirational: Mary Mary
-Soundtrack Album: "Twilight Soundtrack"
-T-Mobile Breakthrough Artist Award: Gloriana
-International Award of Excellence: Whitney Houston
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