10 trucuri cu Ableton Live

23 noiembrie 2009
In timp ce lucra la cateva piese, Tom Cosm a realizat ca are un pattern foarte clar de functionare, folosindu-se de 10 lucruri pe care le-a invatat in acest soft.
Mai jos gasiti enumerate cele 10 trucuri (am pastrat limba engleza pentru a va usura procesul de aplicare a celor 10 pasi), plus un video in care explica pe larg despre ce este vorba. 1. Resetting a parameter to its default value 2. Moving everything in the piano roll up or down an octave. 3. Drawing lines freehand with the pencil tool 4. Changing the grid size intro triplets, or off completely using key commands. 5. Moving just a few notes in the piano roll, select them by holding down Shift and clicking. 6. Playing back the audio exactly where you last stopped it. 7. Duplicating a loop AND it’s automation. 8. Consolidate chopped loops into a neatly timed loop. 9. Zooming everything out to 100% 10. Using the virtual keyboard to trigger samples in the drum rack Ableton Live Quick Tips 1 from Delicious on Vimeo:

Ableton Live Quick Tips 1 from Delicious on Vimeo.

Sursa: beatfactor.ro

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