DJ Mag Best of British

25 noiembrie 2009
Ieri seara a avut loc decernarea premiilor DJ Mag Best Of British, iar printre castigatori se numara Steve Lawler, Clubul Fabric, compilatia FabricLive 44 sau Funkagenda.
Pentru al treilea an consecutiv, shop-ul online Juno a castigat titlul de Best Record Shop, Richard Atherton declarandu-se foarte multumit: "Suntem foarte incantati ca am castigat si multumim tuturor celor care ne-au votat. A fost un an excelent pentru Juno si apreciem sustinerea", a spus acesta.
Lista completa a castigatorilor se gaseste mai jos:
Best DJ: Steve Lawler
Best Producer: Jamie Jones
Best Large Club: Fabric, London
Best Small Club: Corsica Studios, London
Best Dance Single: Jamie Jones – Summertime
Best Dance Remix: La Roux – In For The Kill (Skream Remix)
Best Artist Album: Toddla T – Skanky Skanky
Best Compilation: Commix – FabricLive 44
Best Live Act: Orbital
Best Breakthrough DJ: Funkagenda
Best Breakthrough Producer: Instra:mental
Best Festival: Global Gathering
Best Record Shop: Juno
Best Radio Show: Mary Anne Hobbs – Radio 1
Outstanding Contribution: Keith Reilly and the Fabric team.
Best Fashion Label: Fred Perry
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