Usher lanseaza albumul Raymond v.Raymond

29 ianuarie 2010
Dupa atata succes, Usher a decis cand sa-si lanseze cel de-al saselea album de studio "Raymond v.Raymond", care va avea loc pe 30 martie.
Rand pe rand, ne-a prezentat piesele, ne-a aratat videoclipurile si a savurat comentariile pozitive.
Daca in 2004 s-a clasat in topul celor mai influenti 100 artisti realizat de revista Billboard, datorita albumului "Confessions", in acest an este castigatorul a cinci premii Grammy.
Album Tracklist:
1. Papers
2. Certified
3. Cruisin
4. Secret Garden
5. Radar
6. Secrets
7. Be
8. What's a Guy Gotta Do
9. Stay Down
10. Rockband
11. Get In My Car
12. There Goes My Baby
13. Into the Night
14. Lay You Down
15. Daddy's Home (Hey Daddy) (feat. Plies)
16. My Bag
17. More
18. Blockin'
19. The Realest One
20. Next Contestant
Usher Raymond vs. Raymond - Album Promo Trailer