Festival de tatuaje si muzica la Iasi
Lista completa a artistilor participanti o puteti gasi aici.
Programul evenimentului se va desfasura dupa cum urmeaza:
12: Opening
14: Presenting the Artists and Dealers
18: Live Concerts(bands)
20.30: Award ceremony
Best of Color"
"Best of Black& Gray"
"Best of Day"
22:Live concert PARAZITII
12: Opening
13: Presenting the Artists and Dealers
18: Live Concerts(bands)
20.30: Award ceremony
"Best of Color"
"Best of Black& Gray"
"Best of Day"
22: Live Concert GOD
14: Presenting the Artists and Dealers
18: Live Concerts(bands)
20.30: Award ceremony
"Best of Color"
"Best of Black& Gray"
"Best of Day"
"Best of Small"
"Best of Large"
"Best of Show"
22: Live Concert SUIE PAPARUDE
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