Rokolectiv 06

Programul de anul acesta este facut sa bantuie cele mai placute vise si cele mai dark cosmaruri, osciland schizoid intre beat-uri exaltant optimiste si performance-uri horror difuze.
Sustinut de/ supported by Burn Studios and Grolsch
14.04 / 19h30/ MNAC
Prepared DC-Motors, Cardboard
Zimoun in collaboration with Hannes Zweifel
vernisaj/ opening
15.04/ 22h30/ MNAC
Staalplaat Soundsystem presents Yokomono [Nl]
Montgomery Clunk [Ro]
Elektro Guzzi [A]
Isolée [De]
Petre Inspirescu [Ro]
16.04/ 22h30/ MNAC
Hyperpotamus [Es]
Zombie Zombie plays John Carpenter [Fr]
Jimmy Edgar [US]
jozif [Uk]
The Mole [Ca]
17.04/ 20h00/ MNAC
Feedbacksociety presents Quadra TV [Nl]
Oneohtrix Point Never [US]
Demdike Stare [UK]
Salva [US]
Max Tundra [UK]
Passes 60 lei (numar limitat/ limited number) on www.eventim .ro
Bilete/ Tickets : 15, 16.04 – 30 lei, 17.04 -25 lei (numai la MNAC in seara evenimentului/ only at MNAC in the night of the event)