Kino Fest - digital film festival 14-16 noiembrie

13 noiembrie 2008
A doua editie a Festivalului International de Film Digital Kinofest aduce peste 150 de scurt metraje din toata lumea, ce vor putea fi vizionate la MNAC, pe 14, 15, 16 noiembrie 2008, incepand cu ora 17. Cele trei sectiuni, deja consacrate, sunt: Animatie, Fictiune si Micromovie (filme pentru telefonul mobil). Festivalul se va încheia cu proiectia filmelor castigatoare si cu trei concerte de exceptie: Cycler (synths, samplers, programming) & Florentina (vocals), Minus&Ion si Howling Saints. Intrarea este libera.
Mai mult despre program si alte informatii pe
Kinofest este un eveniment sustinut de IQads si recomandat de Radio Guerrilla. Parteneri: MNA , Galeria 115. Parteneri media: Photo Magazine, Connect, 24-FUN, Money Express, Republik si Cotidianul.
The International Digital Film Festival Kinofest, the second edition, brings more than 150 short films, from all over the world. You will be able to see them at MNAC, on 14th 15th 16th of November 2008, starting at 5pm. The festival's three sections are: Animation, Fiction and Micromovie (films for the mobile telephone). The festival will end with the projection of the winning films, and with three great concerts: Cycler (synths, samplers, programming) & Florentina (vocals), Minus&Ion and Howling Saints. The entrance is free.
You can see the program and more informations about the festival on the officioal web page:
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