Fatboy Slim lanseaza proiectul BRIGHTON PORT AUTHORITY

4 decembrie 2008
Fatboy Slim va lansa un album sub nou creatul pseudonim Brighton Port Authority.
Acest LP este primul dupa cel lansat in anul 2004, "Palookaville", si propune piese realizate in varianta featuring. Este probabil pentru prima si ultima data cand avem posibilitatea de a-i asculta pe Dizzee Rascal si David Byrne (Talking Heads) pe aceiasi piesa. Intitulat "I Think We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat", acest album aduce si productii inregistrate alaturi de vocalisti precum Iggy Pop, Jamie T, Ashley Beedle, Justin Robertson si Martha Wainwright.
Brighton Port Authority Tracklisting
1. He's Frank (ft. Iggy Pop)
2. Dirty Sheets (ft. Pete York)
3. Jumps the Fence (ft. Conan)
4. Should I Stay or Should I Blow (ft. Ashley Beedle)
5. Island (ft. Justin Robertson)
6. Local Town (ft. Jamie T)
7. Seattle (ft. Emmy the Great)
8. Spade (ft. Martha Wainwright)
9. Superman (ft. Simon Thornton)
10. Superlover (ft. Thom Gandey)
11. Toe Jam (ft. David Byrne and Dizzee Rascal)
12. So It Goes (ft. Olly Hite)
Southern Fried va lansa "I Think We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat" pe data de 3 februarie 2009.
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