Rekids revolutioneaza compilatiile in serie cu Revolution

4 februarie 2009
Matt Edwards si James Masters aduc cu imprintul Rekids o colectie a celor mai bune productii aparute aici. Este vorba de o selectie a unor piese care au avut impact la public inca din momentul aparitiei, dar si piese actuale. Compilatia Rekids va fi lansata oficial pe 23 februarie 2009 si se va intitula "Revolution". Prezentat sub forma unui album nemixat, primul disc contine piese lansate de Radio Slave, Mr G, Toby Tobias si Spencer Parker, in timp ce al doilea disc aduce nume ca Dubfire si Slam, cat si productii in exclusivitate aduse de Jjak Hogan si Boola.
Surpriza o reprezinta cel de - al treilea disc, care - l aduce in prim plan pe Spencer Parker. Acesta ofera o lista cu piesele sale favorite, lansate de Rekids, sub forma unui dj mix.
REKIDS REVOLUTION va fi lansat in data de 23 februarie 2009 cu Rekids Recordings.
Disk 1 [Originals Unmixed]
Radio Slave - Bell Clap Dance
Kenny Hawkes & David Parr - Gemini
Mr. G - U Askin'
Runaway - Brooklyn Club Jam
Spencer Parker - Improvised Minotaur
Veinte Tres - Serpiente Cosmica (Revolution Edit)
Spencer Parker - Yogoto
Luke Solomon - Martin, A Cello & Me
Toby Tobias - Eleven (Revolution Version)
Disk 2 [Remixes Unmixed]
Radio Slave - Bell Clap Dance (Slam 'Paragraph' Mix)
Luke Solomon - Space Invaders (Andomat 3000 Mix)
Mr. G - U Askin' (Marcel Dettmann Mix)
Jjak Hogan - Devo (Cristian Vogel 'PMP Engine' Mix)
Radio Slave Feat Danton Eeprom - Grindhouse (Dubfire 'Terror Planet' Mix)
Luke Solomon - Spirits (Prins Thomas Disko-Tek Miks)
Radio Slave - Screaming Hands (WINK Interpretation)
Radio Slave - Tantakatan (Boola Mix)
Toby Tobias - The Feeling (I:Cube Mix)
Disk 3 [Mixed By Spencer Parker]
Radio Slave - Tantakatan
Radio Slave Feat Danton Eeprom - Grindhouse (Acapella)
Veinte Tres - Serpiente Cosmica
Spencer Parker - Romantic (D'Julz Mix)
Radio Slave - Bell Clap Dance
Matt O'Brien - Serotone (Version)
Spencer Parker - Yogoto
Radio Slave - Secret Base
Radio Slave Feat Danton Eeprom - Grindhouse (Dubfire 'Terror Planet' Mix)
Radio Slave - My Bleep
Radio Slave - My Bleep (Roman Flugel Mix)
Toby Tobias - The Feeling (I:Cube Mix)
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