Pool Party @ Winter Music Conference 2009

17 martie 2009
Cu un eveniment, cel mai mare eveniment dedicat muzicii electronice, Winter Music Conference, foarte aproape, echipa Beatport este foarte agitata.
In situatia in care nu stii inca nimic despre precedentele evenimente, celebrele petrecri la piscina, este momentul sa-ti faci o idee. Avem un material video despre ce s-a intamplat anul trecut.
Biletele pentru editia din 2009 s-au vandut in totalitate. Vestea buna este ca organizatorii mai pun la bataie cateva sute de bilete, chiar la intrarea in The National Hotel (Remix Hotel). Pentru a te coninge ca e un MUST GO, iata line up-ul:
Joi, 26 martie 2009:
3 to 4 Alex Khadiwala [Beatport]
4 to 5 A-Trak [Fools Gold]
5 to 6Juan MacLean [DFA]
6 to 7 Tiga [Turbo Recordings]
7 to 8 Tommie Sunshine [Ultra]
8 to 9 Funkagenda [Toolroom]
9 to 10 Boys Noize [Boysnoize Records]
Vineri, 27 martie 2009:
3 to 4 ATFC [Defected]
4 to 5 Johnny D [Oslo]
5 to 6 The Martinez Brothers [Objektivity]
6 to 7 Dennis Ferrer [Objektivity]
7 to 8 Louie Vega featuring Anane [Vega]
8 to 9 DJ Sneak [Magnetic Recordings]
9 to 10 Laidback Luke [Mixmash]
Sambata, 28 martie 2009:
3 to 4 Terry Church [Beatport]
4 to 5 Damian Lazarus [Crosstown Rebels]
5 to 6 Radio Slave [Rekids]
6 to 7 Steve Lawler [Viva Music]
7 to 8 Josh Wink [Ovum]
8 to 9 Marco Carola [Plus 8 & 2M]
9 to 10 Adam Beyer [Drumcode]
Duminica, 29 martie 2009:
12 to 1 DJ Axel Von Greiff [Maroon 5 Imeem Remix Winner]
1 to 2 Stephan Bodzin [Jazzmutant Lemur Showcase]
2 to 3 DJ Reza [Saturday Night Sessions]
3 to 4 Martijn ten Velden [Phonetic Recordings]
4 to 5 Hatiras [Hatrax]
5 to 6 Olivier Giacomotto [Definitive]
6 to 7 Special Guest To Be Announced
7 to 8 Robbie Rivera [Juicy Music]
8 to 9 Sebastian Ingrosso [Refune Records]
9 to 10 Steve Angello [Size Records]
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