Calatoriile lui Anders Trentemøller la HFN

9 aprilie 2009
Producatorul danez Trentemøller face ultimele pregatiri pentru lansarea primului sau mix Cd, intitulat "Harbour Boat Trips - Copenhagen". In 2006 Anders Trentemoller a facut o mare demostratie a talentului sau. A realizat setul pentru Essential Mix, care a fost apreciat de fanii sai, iar acum, s - a folosit de 21 de piese, alese din 40 de ani de muzica. In mixul realizat de Trentemøller o sa - i ascultati pe Emiliana Torrini, The Raveonettes, Beach House si Alan Vega.
Acest album va fi primul din seria Harbour Boat Trips, lansat cu HFN.
1. Grouper - Heavy Water/I'd Rather Be Sleeping
2. Gravenhurst - I Turn my Face To The Forest Floor
3. Emiliana Torrini - Lifesaver
4. I Got You On Tape - Somersault
5. Beach House - Gila
6. The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Anenome
7. The Raveonettes - Aly, Walk With Me (Nic Endo Remix)
8. The Hypothetical Prophets (Proroky) - Back To The Burner
9. Suicide - Cheree
10. Muscleheads - Phosphorescence
11. David Garcet - Confidence (New Wave rmx)
12. Rennie Foster - Devil's Water
13. Caribou - Melody Day (Four Tet Remix)
14. The Raveonettes/Trentemoller - She's Lost Control
15. A Place To Bury Strangers - I Know I'll See You
16. Suicide - Ghost Rider
17. Khan - Fantomes
18. Trentemoller - Vamp (Live Edit)
19. Two Lone Swordsmen - Kamanda's Response
20. Copenhagen Collective - Copenhagen (Trentemoller edit mix)
21. Soft Cell - Tainted Love
HFN Music va lansa Harbour Boat Trips - Copenhagen, mixat de Trentemøller, la sfarsitul lunii iunie 2009.
[b]Vezi poze de la Trentemoller @ Kristal Glam Club[/b]
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Ministry of Sound TV Interviews Anders Trentemoller
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