Rezultatele la SeeMe Awards 2009 din Sofia

10 iunie 2009
The Mission, Livio & Roby si TRG sunt castigatorii din partea Romaniei la editia din acest an a SeeMe Awards, eveniment ce a avut loc weekendul trecut in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Iata lista completa a castigatorilor:
1.Best SEE Event: Exit Festival, Serbia
2.Best SEE Club: Cavo Paradiso, Greece
3. Best SEE Dance Radio: Alpha Radio, Bulgaria
4. Best SEE TV covering Dance Music: Mad TV, Greece & Bulgaria
5. Best SEE Magazine covering Dance Music: Urban Bug, Serbia
6. Best SEE Website covering Dance Music: Clubbersguide, Macedonia
7. Best SEE Promoter: The Mission, Romania
8. Best SEE Producer: DJ Row, Greece
9. Best SEE Label: Balkan Connection, Serbia
10. Best SEE Track: Livio & Roby – Diverse, Romania
11. Best SEE Remix: Gravity Co - Faded - DJ Steven stripped out remix, Bulgaria
12. Best SEE Upcoming Artist: Stephan Panev, Bulgaria
13. Best International DJ: Richie Hawtin
14. Best International Live Act Band: The Prodigy
15. Best SEE Live Act Band: Upsurt, Bulgaria
16. Best SEE Female DJ: Miss Lidiya, Bulgaria
17. Best SEE House DJ: DJ Steven, Bulgaria
18. Best SEE Techno DJ: UMEK, Slovenia
19. Best SEE Trance DJ: Bushava Azbuka, Macedonia
20. Best Drum & Bass DJ: TRG, Romania
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