A Taste Of Kandi 2009 - nou de la Hed Kandi!

10 august 2009
Hed Kandi revine cu un nou produs audio pentru aceasta vara fierbinte. "A Taste Of Kandi 2009" este o compilatie de 14 piese, care vor face ca petrecerile si intalnirile cu prietenii sa fie mult mai frumoase. Cu acest album mixat Hed Kandi face o scurta prezentare a pieselor care se vor asculta in cluburi si terase. Este un album care te va pregati pentru nebunia din fiecare week-end al acestei veri.
A Taste Of Kandi 2009 Tracklisting:
1. Warren Clarke and Tara McDonald - Love Crazy (Triple D Remix)
2. Disco International Feat. Miss Lynsey - Ready 4 More
3. No Halo - What Is This Feeling
4. Wawa and Herd Feat. Amanda Wilson - The Right Way (Triple D Remix)
5. Jenny Jones - Don't Walk Away (Shave Remix)
6. Ali Payami - Dancin (Disco Lips Remix)
7. Steve Haines Feat. Carmen Anderson - Be With You (eSQUIRE Remix)
8. Henry John Morgan - Cherokee Go With It (Shave Remix)
9. Esquire Feat. Soraya Vivian - Nobodies Business (Esquire Remix)
10. Jonni Black Vs Shena - Take Me Higher
11. The Barflyz - Can't Help Myself (eSQUIRE Remix)
12. Warren Clarke Presents Jonni Black Vs Shena - Bitch Is Back (Soul Junkie Remix)
13. Jay Cox Presents Bex Thurston - Read The Signs
14. Ricki-Lee - Wiggle It (Soul Junkie Remix)
sursa: radiodeea.ro
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