UNGHI TRIUNGHI: Juju & Jordash || Khidja @ Control

30 noiembrie 2012
Control, Bucuresti

Web: http://www.facebook.com/c...

3o nov, ora 23.00 @ Control/ Sala Berlin:


Juju & Jordash - live performance & dj set

Khidja - warm-up & after


Dupa petrecerea dementiala din sezonul trecut, duo-ul Juju & Jordash revine in Romania cu un LP proaspat lansat la Dekmantel: ” Techno Primitivism”, un titlu care vorbeste de la sine.

Dominik Von Senger (vocals & e-gitarre) are o experienta in domeniul muzicii care depasteste 30 de ani pe scena, remarcandu-se si alaturi de trupele Phantom Band cu Jaki Liebezeit de la Can, in Dunkelziffer si The Unknown Cases.

So, basically it will be a jam session, then a party set, some live singing, guitars, 808s, 909s, maybe some 727s, and a whoooole lot of synthesizers and delays.




Intrare: 15 lei

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