ALL HOLLOW # 2 Launch Party @ Control

Launch Party ALL HOLLOW # 2
Joi 20 decembrie, Control gazduieste petrecerea de lansare a celui de-al doilea numar al revistei All Hollow.
++ Performing live ++ :
Intrare: 20 lei ( revista inclusa)
” The world is becoming empty because we are leaving powerful notions without its content. Western society has fallen into a spiral of movies, stories and interpretations of legends. But this time, the medium is very dangerous. Without any rational or semantic filtering, these stories are offering a catharsis, thus leaving the soul satisfied without any actual action by the individual. Even more, certain saturation emerges from the huge, bias and almost cliché quantity of these adaptations. All show great stories of great deeds.”
Club Control / Sala Berlin (str. Constantin Mille, nr. 4)