NEW YEAR`S EVE PARTY with: Scott “BOCA 45” Hendy & Victor Stancov @ Madame Pogany

31 decembrie 2013
Madame Pogany, Bucuresti


Luni, 31 decembrie @ Madame Pogany


Scott “BOCA 45” Hendy (UK)

Victor Stancov

La Madame Pogany, petrecerea de Revelion va fi animata de live mix-urile lui Victor Stancov si DJ-ul britanic BOCA 45! Scott “BOCA 45” Hendy, promite un set eclectic al unor piese cu influente old school (anii 70, 80, 90 ) de Hip Hop, Soul, Funk, Boogie, Reggae, mixate cu vibe-uri de petrecere in stil Bristol.

Party the funkiest way!


Scott “Boca 45” Hendy s-a dovedit a fi foarte talentat si activ ca DJ si producator, de-a lungul celor 13 ani de cariera.
Dj set-urile sale pline de energie si culoare l-au purtat prin toate colturile lumii, din America de Nord in Japonia si Australia, prin mai toate cluburile Europei de Vest si pe scena unor festivaluri prestigioase precum Glastonbury, Sonar, CMJ, The Big Chill, SXSW etc.  
<< “Bocashiphopthrowdown” has a simple policy. It’s all about good fun, funky good natured Hip Hop, Soul, Funk, Boogie, Reggae, aimed fully at the dance floor. Everything is played from Vinyl (no CDs, Serato or Lap Tops; ) – it’s been a hugely successful night which ScottBoca would now like to open up to other likeminded clubs / promoters who would like to share the HipHopThrowdown experience – check out his mix here to sample the flavor of the night. >>
“Like Massive Attack in a good mood produced by David Holmes” – Arena Magazine
“A Stand Alone Bristol Sensation” – Mojo Mag
“Musically Daring” - NME


Victor Stancov , dj-ul rezident Madame Pogany, reuseste sa gaseasca sound-ul potrivit pentru oricare stare de spirit. Intr-o seara atat de speciala, va creea o atmosfera adecvata momentului cu ritmuri de funk & soul, Detroit techno, Chicago house sau deep house.


490 RON - Open Bar All-Night + Dinner, incepand cu ora 20:30

Cold Buffet: 20 Modern Continental Mixed Platters

Hot Buffet: Turkey/Beef Sirloin/Fish Fillet

Dessert Buffet: 3 Types of Cakes + Cheese & Fruits

2 O'Clock Sour Soup (ciorba de potroace)

250 RON - Late Night Birds Special: Open Bar All-Night, incepand cu ora 23:30

Open Bar : Softs/Beer/Wine/Freixenet Cava/Longdrinks Pouring/ALL NIGHT LONG!


Rezervarile se fac la 0735091532 sau 0744105613 /

Strada Banu Antonache 40-44 (Piata Floreasca), Sector 1, Bucuresti


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