JIMPSTER @ Madame Pogany

9 februarie 2013
Madame Pogany, Bucuresti

Web: http://on.fb.me/14D4SgW...

Sambata 9 februarie, ora 23.00 @ Madame Pogany:

JIMPSTER (freerange records, UK) || Victor Stancov (soulfooled records)

Sambata, 9 februarie, dj-ul si producatorul britanic Jimpster revine la Madame Pogany!

Go wild on the dancefloor!

Open doors: 23:00h

Free entrance.

Fb event: https://www.facebook.com/events/356322287808398/



In cei 20 de ani de activitate, Jamie Odell aka Jimpster, cunoscut si sub numele de scena Audiomontage, s-a facut remarcat ca dj si producator, insa este asociat si cu faimoasa casa de productie Freerange Records, la care activeaza de aproximativ 15 ani. Background-ul sau muzical si indelungata perioada de formare, au finisat un sound deopotriva primitor, complex, dar inovator si cu mare succes in zona de clubbing. Set-urile sale fermecatoare combina muzica house cu o abordare old-school, fidelizand multi admiratori pe ringul de dans, cat si printre ascultatorii remixurilor si release-urilor sale.

In ultimii 6-7 ani, Jamie si-a creat o reputatie remarcabila ca DJ, in UK si in toate colturile lumii, fiind invitat sa mixeze in unele dintre cele mai renumite cluburi, precum Fabric (London), Panarama Bar si Watergate (Berlin), Cielo (NYC), Warehouse 702 (Tokyo), Zoo Project (Ibiza), D-Edge (Sao Paulo), GOA @ Fabrik (Madrid).

Jimpster a castigat premiile Beatport “Deep House Producer” si “Best Deep House Remix of the year”, in 2010.

www.soundcloud.com/jimpster  www.discogs.com/artist/Jimpster  www.last.fm/music/Jimpster  www.facebook.com/jimpster.freerange www.freerangerecords.co.uk


Victor Stancov (soulfooled records) soundcloud.com/victorstancov www.myspace.com/victorstancov


Madame Pogany - Str. Banu Antonache, nr. 40 – 44 (Piata Floreasca), Sector 1 / Bucuresti

Rezervari: 0743661782 / 0744105613 / razvan@madamepogany.ro





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