2014 - anul în care ne reîntoarcem la origini, drumandbass madness, hard partying şi reuniune.
Ladies and gents, queens and kings, drumheadz and bassheadz, we're getting back to our home: Therapy Sessions Bucharest Hell-o-ween edition!
TSB, our fortress of demented beats and disturbed minds opens its doors for fresh treament through sound therapy - not just any sound, but cleansing waves designed to heal our society psy-war of compressed emotions and squeezed tempers, designed to help us burst out of our bodies and trade aggression with relieve. An agression we catch like a virus during this century of disguise, an agression we manifest as we grow while striving to understand the world and take it as it is, a game of swifted places and stolen laurels, cartboard and silicone, a debate between interpretation and misinformation under the weight of our civillization.
This is our generation's scream towards cleansing, the rebellion against hypocrisy, fake values, plasticized bodies and borrowed personalities, automatism and routine, the slavory towards the unnecessary, the ignorance towards what truly matters. If it must, the nest where self titled saints turn to sins and sinners turn to sanctity by embrassing both good&bad in order to taste the experience by depersonalization, an exchange of faces, a ritual of the broken souls getting their pieces back together; a ritual of restart for the lost-in-routine minds. This is why we get together into the spirit of Therapy Sessions Bucharest: TO CELEBRATE MUSIC AND FREEDOM.
this is drumandbass. darkstep. crossbreed. hardcore. rave