21 octombrie 2014
Control, Bucuresti

Web: http://goo.gl/ApWH2r...

Marti 21 octombrie, turneul european Malakas of the Universe Balkans Tour 2014 aduce la Bucuresti doua trupe de stoner si heavy blues rock din Germania. Rockerii vor pune stapanire pe sala Berlin printr-un show incediar.

Afterparty w. BRUTUS! - 50% bar discount, dupa ora 22.00h

BUSHFIRE - You Should Have Known
Wight - Through The Woods Into Deep Water

Intrare: 10 lei
Sala Berlin/ club Control - Str. Constantin Mille, nr. 4


Malakas of the Universe Balkans Tour 2014
– presented by CTS Productions and Fat&Holy Records -

For two weeks they are heading to the Southeast of Europe to bring their intense show to a host of different countries, such as Hungary, Romania, Greece, Serbia, and Croatia.

Bushfire (Germany)

With its five members hailing from five different countries,Bushfire still have never lost their way in the band's ten year history. Heavy as hell and dry as the desert, they deliver their heavy stoner blues with power and all their heart. You will get intoxicated by their powerful riffs and moved just by their presence on stage.



Wight is a three-piece that has seen steady evolution throughout the last years.
Starting as a solidly psychedelic doom and stoner rock influenced band in the vein of Black Sabbath and Kyuss, they have been becoming ever more funky and sexy in their truly eclectic and infectious style. They will make you want to close your eyes and dance the night away.


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