templum 6.02

We continue with this weekend in the same style which we used to. We prepared you an evening dancing with the same beautiful people and with a vibe even better than before, we hope.
For us to be able to deliver what we proposed, we aided for the help of three artists who can delight us and we did an excellent job, we think.
First of all, we’ve searched for a diferent style, for a character to get out ot the life and who can bring us the joy in a way that no one else could. And what better solution could’ve we found, than Kozo? This pioneer of electronic music, a DJ that has enough experience to offer us an unprecedented moment, definitely matches the profile we require.
On the other side, we felt the need for a creator, somebody to impress us with his own productions that are truly imposing, sounds that have overwhelmed us in a resounding way. And our thought flew to Emi ∫, a DJ and producer that rises to the level of our expectations.
But when we thought it through once more, we found that one creator wouldn’t be enough, we’ll need two, equally talented and with a rich musical baggage, because we are a needy public. And we concluded that the one who best corresponds to our requirements is Vlad Caia. A perfect artist, with a big number of tricks and illusions that correlate with our story.
We took care of the rest of the ambient. There’s only one more aspect to deal with and this comes up to you. Your participation. But we’re not worried, we know we already convinced you!
DATE: 06.02.2015 // // 23:00
artwork by Vision 101
✕ Strictly prohibited to persons under 18 years old
✕ We reserve the right to select our customers
✕ Location has a wardrobe
✕ Face control
✕ In case of reaching maximum capacity of location, access will be restricted.
✕ Acces is strictly prohibited with alcoohol from outside or any other substances prohibited by law
✕ Using camera / recording is not allowed in location!
Continuam si weekendul acesta in acelasi stil cu care v-am obisnuit deja. V-am pregatit o seara dansanta cu aceeasi oameni frumosi si speram noi, cu un vibe chiar mai bun fata de datile trecute.
Ca noi sa putem sa va oferim ceea ce ne propunem, am cerut ajutorul unor artisti, 3 la numar, care sa ne incante si, credem noi, am facut o treaba excelenta.
In primul rand, am cautat un stil aparte, un personaj care sa iasa din rand si care sa ne delecteze intr-un fel in care nimeni altcineva n-ar putea. Si ce solutie mai buna am fi putut gasi, decat Kozo? Acest pionier al muzicii electronice, un DJ care are suficienta experienta sa ne ofere un moment nemaiintalnit, cu siguranta se potriveste profilului impus de noi.
Pe de alta parte, simteam nevoia unui creator, cineva care sa ne impresioneze cu productii proprii cu adevarat impunatoare, sunete care ne-au coplesit sau care ne vor coplesi intr-un fel rasunator. Iar gandul nostru a zburat la Emi, un producator si DJ care se ridica la nivelul asteptarilor noastre.
Dar cand ne-am gandit mai bine, am constatat ca un singur creator nu ar fi de ajuns si ca ar fi nevoie de doi, la fel de talentati si cu un bagaj muzical bogat, fiindca suntem un public nevoios. Si am ajuns la concluzia ca cel care se potriveste cerintelor noastre este Vlad Caia. Un artist desavarsit, cu numeroase arme si trucuri care se potrivesc de minune acestei povesti.
De restul ambientei ne ocupam noi. A mai ramas un singur aspect de pus la punct, iar asta depinde de voi. Participarea voastra. Dar nu ne facem griji, stim ca v-am convins deja!
DATA: 06.02.2015 // // 23:00
✕ Accesul interzis persoanelor sub 18 ani!
✕ Ne rezervam dreptul de a selecta clientela!
✕ Locatia este dotata cu garderoba.
✕ Face Control
✕ In cazul atingerii capacitatii maxime a locatiei, accesul va fi restrictionat.
✕ Accesul interzis cu orice tip de bautura sau substante interzise de lege .
✕ Folosirea aparatului foto/video nu este permis in locatie !