19.02 with CAP /// SUBLEE @ TEMPLUM

As our midweek nights seems to provide us some magnificent experiences, we had to continue them. So we organized for you and us another musical journey offered by two truly talented DJs, Cap and Sublee.
Mircea Capatina aka Cap had an incredible progress in the last couple of months, opening for acts such as RPR or Praslesh. This obviously helped him to blossom, reaching a unique sound that has a wonderful vibe which will keep you dancing lots of hours. He is going to be joined by Stefan Nicu aka Stefan Sublee, another young talent who’s really promising a lot for the future, having played some exquisite parties, some of them taking place in our Templum.
We are sure that all of you are going to be pleased by their performance and we’re really glad that we are once again starting the weekend earlier, starting with a gem of a party a weekend which announces to be unforgettable.
DATE: 19.02.2015 // // 23:00
artwork by Vision 101
✕ Strictly prohibited to persons under 18 years old
✕ We reserve the right to select our customers
✕ Location has a wardrobe
✕ Face control
✕ In case of reaching maximum capacity of location, access will be restricted.
✕ Acces is strictly prohibited with alcoohol from outside or any other substances prohibited by law
✕ Using camera / recording is not allowed in location!
MEDIA PARTENRS: Bucharest Loves Deep Podcast // Nights.ro // PartyTrckr // anyplace.ro online magazine // Fotoclubbing.ro // playedby.club // feeder.ro
Cum noptile noastre din mijlocul saptamanii se dovedesc a fi niste experiente uluitoare, am simtit nevoia sa continuam in acelasi stil. Pentru asta, am organizat o alta calatorie muzicala, oferita de doi DJ cu adevarat talentati, Cap si Sublee.
Mircea Capatina aka Cap a avut un progress incredibil in ultimele luni, deschizand pentru artisti precum RPR sau Praslesh. Evident, aceste performante l-au ajutat sa infloreasca si sa ajunga la un sunet unic, propriu. Acest sunet este definit de vibe-ul minunat care va va dansa pentru foarte multe ore. El va fi alaturat de Stefan Nicu aka Sublee, un alt talent tanar care promite foarte mult pentru viitorul scenei romanesti, el deja cantand la multe petreceri reusite, cateva dintre ele petrecandu-se chiar in Templum.
Suntem siguri ca fiecare dintre voi va fi multumit de performantele acestor artisti desavarsiti si suntem foarte fericiti ca putem sa incepem din nou mai repede weekend-ul, pornind cu o petrecere ce se anunta a fi de neuitat.
DATA: 19.02.2015 // // 23:00
✕ Accesul interzis persoanelor sub 18 ani!
✕ Ne rezervam dreptul de a selecta clientela!
✕ Locatia este dotata cu garderoba.
✕ Face Control
✕ In cazul atingerii capacitatii maxime a locatiei, accesul va fi restrictionat.
✕ Accesul interzis cu orice tip de bautura sau substante interzise de lege .
✕ Folosirea aparatului foto/video nu este permis in locatie !
Parteneri Media: Bucharest Loves Deep Podcast // Nights.ro // PartyTrckr // anyplace.ro online magazine // Fotoclubbing.ro // playedby.club // feeder.ro