21.02 with Dan Andrei /// Tulbure @ TEMPLUM

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We can feel that the spring is close and this is also reflected in our souls. Because of this, we wanted to offer you a truly special weekend.
We have organized a series of parties that will start on Thursday in the company of Cap and Stefan Sublee, will continue on Friday with the playedby party, where many faultless artists will perform and finish with an amazing event on Saturday night. Since all of you know that the best is always kept as last, we’ve prepared you a magical night with two piling of the Romanian scene, two DJs that have proved their immense value both in creating incredible vibes and producing flawless tracks which we remember for ages to come. We are absolutely sure that Dan Andrei and Matei Tulbure are capable to offer you a strong but relaxing sound in the same time, in order for us to end these unforgettable days with big smiles on our faces.
DATE: 21.02.2015 // // 23:00
artwork by Vision 101
✕ Strictly prohibited to persons under 18 years old
✕ We reserve the right to select our customers
✕ Location has a wardrobe
✕ Face control
✕ In case of reaching maximum capacity of location, access will be restricted.
✕ Acces is strictly prohibited with alcoohol from outside or any other substances prohibited by law
✕ Using camera / recording is not allowed in location!
Fiindca primavara este pe vine si simtim asta cu totii in sufletele noastre, am dorit sa va oferim un weekend cu adevarat special.
Pentru asta, am organizat o serie de petreceri care va incepe joi in compania lui Cap si a lui Sublee, continua vineri cu petrecerea playedby alaturi de mai multi artisti desavarsiti si se sfarseste cu o mega petrecere sambata seara. Cum ce e mai bun se pastreaza la sfarsit, v-am pregatit o noapte magica alaturi de doi piloni ai muzicii romanesti, doi DJi care si-au demonstrat atat valoarea imensa in a crea atmosfere incendiare, cat si in producerea unor piese pe care nu le vom uita niciodata. Suntem absolut siguri ca Dan Andrei si Matei Tulbure, pentru ca despre ei este vorba, va vor oferi un vibe puternic, dar si relaxant in aceeasi timp, pentru a termina aceste zile memorabile cu zambetele pe buze.
DATA: 21.02.2015 // // 23:00
✕ Accesul interzis persoanelor sub 18 ani!
✕ Ne rezervam dreptul de a selecta clientela!
✕ Locatia este dotata cu garderoba.
✕ Face Control
✕ In cazul atingerii capacitatii maxime a locatiei, accesul va fi restrictionat.
✕ Accesul interzis cu orice tip de bautura sau substante interzise de lege .
✕ Folosirea aparatului foto/video nu este permis in locatie !