Afterparty with

We consider that the sunrise is a sign of continuous joy, not one to end a party. Thus, we arranged you an afterhour session to celebrate this beautiful spring the best way we can, by dancing.
We are very happy and proud to be able to listen to PRIKU, the last Romanian performance for such an amazing artist before he starts his tour in the US.
After having some incredible performances alongside artists like RPR and Praslesh, Cap makes a return to Templum to dance us until the sunset and beyond.
They will be joined by Sowhat, another uprising artist who had a marvellous session with Priku in November and we're sure that this time it will be no different.
DATE: 07.03.2015 // // 06:00
artwork by Vision 101
✕ Strictly prohibited to persons under 18 years old
✕ We reserve the right to select our customers
✕ Location has a wardrobe
✕ Face control
✕ In case of reaching maximum capacity of location, access will be restricted.
✕ Acces is strictly prohibited with alcoohol from outside or any other substances prohibited by law
✕ Using camera / recording is not allowed in location!
Consideram ca rasaritul nu este un semn pentru a termina petrecerea, ci un semn a bucuriei continue. Asadar, am dispus pentru voi o sesiune de after pentru a sarbatori aceasta primavara frumoasa cum putem noi cel mai bine, dansand.
Suntem foarte fericiti si mandri sa putem sa-l ascultam pe Priku pentru ultima oara, inainte ca acest artist uimitor sa inceapa un turneu in SUA.
Dupa ce a avut performante incredibile alaturi de artisti precum RPR sau Praslesh, Cap se intoarce la Templum pentru a ne dansa pana la si dincolo de apus.
Cei doi vor fi completati de Sowhat, un alt artist in continua crestere, care a avut o sesiune de muzica minunata alaturi de Priku in noiembrie, iar noi suntem siguri ca si de data aceasta va fi la fel.
DATA: 07.03.2015 // // 06:00
✕ Accesul interzis persoanelor sub 18 ani!
✕ Ne rezervam dreptul de a selecta clientela!
✕ Locatia este dotata cu garderoba.
✕ Face Control
✕ In cazul atingerii capacitatii maxime a locatiei, accesul va fi restrictionat.
✕ Accesul interzis cu orice tip de bautura sau substante interzise de lege .
✕ Folosirea aparatului foto/video nu este permis in locatie !