Local Gathering 3 years Anniversary

Local Gathering 3 Years Anniversary! 24h Celebration.
Friday 27th of March from 22:00 @ Club EDEN Bucharest.
Au trecut trei ani si peste 20 de petreceri de cand acest proiect, atat de special pentru noi, a pornit. In tot acest timp ne-am distrat alaturi de publicul din Bucuresti, Iasi, Bacau si Galati, raspandind vibe-ul aparte ce caracterizeaza acest concept numit Local Gathering. Am ales sa continuam in acelasi stil si sa punem la cale o sarbatoare ce va fi in acelasi spirit si pe placul tuturor. O seara de neuitat, speram noi, care sa se ridice la asteptarile acestor trei ani. Si pentru ca acest lucru sa fie posibil, v-am pregatit un line-up pe masura cu artisti de top, atat romani cat si straini.
Incepem cu Kozo, un artist ce va aduce sunetul unic cu care a obisnuit publicul larg, sunet ce l-a propulsat in toata lumea, ajungand sa cante in orase precum New York, Moscova, Frankfurt, Paris si Berlin, sa mentionam doar cateva. Unul dintre pionierii scenei romanesti, suntem siguri ca cei peste 10 ani de experienta pe care ii are, fiind membru Sunrise si [a:rpia:r], il califica ca fiind si unul dintre cei mai importanti, devenind astfel optiunea perfecta pentru o asemenea ocazie.
Continuam cu Priku, alt membru din familia [a:rpia:r] si Sunrise, atat un DJ desavarsit cat si un producator perfectionist, un artist in continua crestere in ultimii ani care a reusit sa se mentina in top de-a lungul anilor cu un vibe special, imbinand instrumente sofisticate cu beaturi puternice, ce l-au catapultat in inimile publicului roman si nu numai.
Pe langa ei am cooptat inca un nume romanesc de top, Vlad Caia, un producator apreciat in toata lumea. Co-fondator a casei de discuri Amphia si jumatate a proiectului SIT alaturi de Cristi Cons, Vlad este un artist complet, fiind de asemenea si un DJ de prima clasa cu un sunet profund si rafinat ce ne va invalui cu o stare de euforie.
Fiindca am dorit sa continuam sa va surprindem cu artisti straini ce promit mult, am insistat sa aducem un duo ucrainean intr-o crestere exploziva si anume KiRiK & iVANOV. Atat doi producatori exceptionali, cat si DJi internationali cu gig-uri in toata Europa. Cei doi vor veni pentru prima oara in Romania, desi sunt cunoscuti publicului roman prin productiile lor, cantate de favoritii nostri.
Pe langa acestia, rezidentul si omul din spatele acestui proiect, Zotist, va fi acompaniat de un tanar artist in crestere, Melodie, un producator ce tocmai a semnat primul sau release la Metereze, labelul detinut de Raresh, acesta fiind cel de-al patrulea release a casei de discuri dupa cele ale lui Barac, Dubtil si Mihai Popescu (MP).
There have been 3 years and over 20 parties since the beginning of this project so special for us. In all this time, we had fun alongside the public of Bucharest, Iasi, Galati and Bacau, spreading the particular vibe that is so characteristic for this concept called Local Gathering. We choose to continue in the same style and plan a celebration in the same spirit that will please you all. An unforgettable night, we hope, that will live up to the expectations of these 3 magnificent years. In order for this to be possible, we prepared you a powerful line-up with top artists, both Romanians and foreigners.
We start with Kozo, an artist that will bring the unique sound his numerous public got used to, a sound that impelled his music to places like New York, Moscow, Frankfurt, Paris and Berlin among others. One of the pioneers of the Romanian scene, we are sure that his experience of more than 10 years, being also a member of Sunrise and [a:rpia:r], make him one of the most important too, becoming one of our best choices for this anniversary.
We continue with Priku, another member of both Sunrise and [a:rpia:r]. Being one of the most complete DJs, as well as a perfectionist producer, an artist that had a continuous growth, he managed to stay in the top line for the past years with a very special vibe, combining sophisticated instruments with powerful beats that lunched him in the hearts of both the Romanian and the foreigner public.
Next to them we co-opted another incredible Romanian artist, Vlad Caia, a producer that is appreciated all around the world. Co-founder of the Amphia label as well as being the half of the SIT project alongside Cristi Cons, Vlad is an utter artist, being also a top DJ with a profound and refined sound that will bring us euphoria.
Because we wanted to keep bringing talented foreigner artists, we insisted on bringing the Ukrainian power duo KiRiK & iVANOV, producers and international DJs, they have proved their value by playing in the biggest cities of Europe as well as releasing several gems on different labels. They will make their Romanian debut although they are familiar to us through their productions, which are played by our favourites.
Alongside this epic line-up we’ll also welcome our resident and host, Zotist, who will be also joined by one of the most talented young Romanian artists, Melodie, who just had his first official release on Metereze, the label owned by Raresh, this being the 4th release after those of Barac, Dubtil and Mihai Popescu (MP).
.:KOZO:. (Understand, [a:rpia:r])
.:PRIKU:. (Motif, [a:rpia:r])
.:VLAD CAIA:. (Amphia, SIT)
.:KiRiK & iVANOV:. live (Razom, Ukraine)
http://facebook.com/kirik.music & http://facebook.com/ivanov.ukraine
http://soundcloud.com/kirillkirik & http://soundcloud.com/ivanov-ua
.:ZOTIST:. (Local Gathering)
.:MELODIE:. (Mtrz)
Professional Video Projections & Mapping: Deboot Studio.
Artwork by Vision 101 .
Petrecerea are un caracter privat. // This is a private party.
Ne rezervam dreptul de a ne selecta clientela! // We reserve the right to select our clients!
Accessul persoanelor sub 18 ani este strict interzis! // Access strictly prohibited to those under 18!
Entry fee: 30 Ron < 00 > 40 Ron and 30 Ron after 10AM.
Guestlist available till 01:00 AM No exceptions!
Don't Drink And Drive! Te rugam lasa masina acasa daca consumi alcool!
Say no to drugs! In cadrul evenimentului sunt INTERZISE consumul si vanzarea de stupefiante. Cei care nu respecta aceasta regula vor suporta consecintele legii (Cf. L339/2005 si L143/2000).
FB Promoter Page: http://facebook.com/Local2Gathering
FB Location Profile: http://facebook.com/clubeden107