Mardi Gras aka Fat Tuesaday

8 septembrie 2015 20:00
Bordello, Bucuresti

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Voulez Vous Tuesday avec moi, ces soir?
Take advantage on an after work session night. Hang out at Bordello, meet some fun, interesting people and let’s all have a blast enjoying a quality night out.
Mardi Gras is a well-known celebration around the world that is defined crazy partying with amazing fun and great time. At Bordello, we like to spend each day as a big revelry and show our commitment towards the fine art of good times, so we present you the weekly Mardi Gras@Bordello.
Daniel Ignat and Andy Roll will enchant you with of the most famous songs in the world: Queen, Led Zeppelin, Frank Sinatra, Elvis sau Billy Idol, AC/DC, Beatles and also some old Romanian hits.
It’s always best to book your table in advance, even a few days earlier, or we might not be able to provide you with sitting. For reservations as always call 0748 881 085 or mail us at

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