Jazzanova & Orchestra Nationala Radio @ Teatrul de Vara Mihai Eminescu
Web: http://www.anyplace.ro...
8 Mai 2010 la Teatrul de Vară Mihai Eminescu din cadrul Stadionului Național Lia Manoliu.
Alături de Jazzanova vor mai concerta
First Beat Next Viibe
Silent Strike - http://www.myspace.com/ststrike
Alexandrina - http://www.myspace.com/alexandrinahristovofficial
UNKNOWN identity sharing - http://www.myspace.com/unknownidentitysharing
Minus - http://www.myspace.com/minusro
Mai multe detalii pe http://www.electronicelegance.ro/jazzanova/despre/
Biletele (50 Ron and 70 Ron) se găsesc în rețeaua My Tickethttp://myticket.ro/ro/bilete/284/detaliilocatie/jazzanova.html
si in magazinele diverta
After Show party at POST COCHET
with OK CORAL, MINUS. I love yo u but ive chosen disco, Amdraci and very Special Guests...
You can enter for free if you have your concert ticket//
otherwise 25 Ron entrance