Big Fish EP Launch Party @ Barocco Bar

11 decembrie 2010
Barocco Bar - str Domnita Anastasia nr. 10, Bucuresti


Sambata 11 Decembrie incepand cu orele 23:00 CROSSWORLD RECORDS prezinta Official Lunch Party Mooshu & Dan-Ce - Big Fish EP // Guests : Eddy & Levii (VinylSpeedAdjust) @ Barocco

“Mooshu” and “Dan-Ce” are two talented and newly signed producers based in Bucharest. They bring to Crossworld Records their first EP together, “Big Fish”. Smashing beats of soulful house music best describes this release, composing of addictive vocals, bass lines and Rhodes of heaven. Keep your eyes peeled for this one while it will help build the solid foundation of the Crossworld Records sound.

Enjoy and support another quality Crossworld Records release !
Info & Reserved: 0755.028.028
Str. Domnita Anastasia Nr.20

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