Kudos Beach 1st of May 2012

1 mai 2012
Kudos Beach, Mamaia

Web: http://on.fb.me/IeRumo...

⌫ KUDOS BEACH ⌧ 1st of May 2012 ⌧ More music than ever before ⌦

⌫ Friday, 27th of April - Tuesday, 1st of May ⌦

⌫ Click “SEE MORE” for more details about the event ⌦



⌫ Nima Gorji ⌧ William Kouam Djoko ⌧ And.Id ⌧ Siler & Dima ⌦


⌫ Optick ⌧ Pagal ⌧ Kool ⌧ Adrian Eftimie ⌧ Mihai Popoviciu ⌧ Mahony ⌧ NTFO ⌧ Mano ⌧ Bog ⌧ Gully ⌧ Kata ⌧ Aazteca ⌧ Vygo ⌧ Aleka ⌧ Dimitri ⌧ Alex & Mircea Babescu ⌦

Def. KUDOS [koo -dohs, -dos, ] : A very special place among clubber's hearts, situated in the North of Mamaia resort, where unforgetable parties take place and where quality music is heard.


This is a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity, be rested before! 18+


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