Barletto pool - Rosario Internullo & Mahony

18 iulie 2012
Barletto Pool, Bucuresti


As usually, WiseGuysEvents alongside with Barletto Club are throwing another “After Dark Pool Party”, a awesome event that involves listening to the beats of some of the greatest DJs in Romania, swimming and dancing in the cool breeze of the night, drinking and having pure fun.

The event will take place on 18th Jully at Barletto Pool, probably the hottest pool in town.

This party is slowly becoming a must-see event for every person that loves electronic music. We’re trying to establish a new standard for pool parties and we promise you, that with the help of some of the greatest Djs in the country, you will listen to the best electronic music and that you’ll have more fun than anywhere else.

In the party evening, our guests are invited to leave their outfit for the night at the entrance and to show off their bathing suits, to cool off in the pool and dance until sunrise.

Rosario Internullo and Mahony, which are some of the greatest Djs in Romania, alongside other 2 young but very talented DJs Voi Cu and Pitiq, are going to promise you the night of your life!!!

And remember that if it’s Wednesday night, it’s After Dark Pool Party!



Rosario Internullo


Voi Cu



Smirnoff + juice – 150

J&b + juice - 160

Entry fee:

20 untill 00:00

30 after 00:00

RSVP : 0752 04 04 06



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